Cleaning To Pave The Way for Better Things To Come

Raw Sewage Backup: Important Information You Should Know

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One of the worst scenarios a homeowner can face is the discovery of raw sewage in their basement. If you’re faced with such a discovery, it’s imperative you understand the severity of the matter and that you know what to do in the situation. Here is some information to get you started. Recognize the Danger Raw sewage has an incredibly offensive odor and is the definition of a nuisance, but more than anything else, raw sewage is incredibly dangerous.…

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Tips For Cleaning An Expensive, Fragile Carpet

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When you have an expensive carpet that is also fragile, sometimes the worst thing you can do is clean it. Not all carpets are built to withstand the rough handling of regular cleaning. If the wrong cleaning substances are used, or if you dive into it with a hard brush, you might damage the fabric, causing your expensive rug to start falling apart. How can you clean this type of carpet without the risk of damaging it?…

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4 Ways To Clean The Tile Flooring In Your Bathroom After Your Toilet Overflowed

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Overflowing toilets are the direct result of lost water pressure and internal clogs. If that was not disgusting enough, anything left floating in the toilet is now on your floor! Thankfully, you have stone/ceramic tile flooring in your bathroom, which is easily cleaned. You want to get a deep down clean, however, so that there is no microscopic feces or bacteria on this floor. Here are four ways to clean your bathroom tile flooring to get that deep down clean.…

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