3 Tips For Home Tidiness During The Holidays
With fall here, you might be eagerly looking forward to the holidays, which are right around the corner. Although the holidays can be a fun and joyful time, it can also be stressful to keep your house clean when kids are home from school and everyone is excited. Here are three tips for keeping your home tidy during the holidays so that you can make your entire interior festive and fun.
1. Decorate Less
Instead of pulling out multiple trees and plastering everything in your home with decorations, think about toning down the décor. Keep decorations to a minimum by looking for basic décor instead of highly stylized, busy additions. Also, think about shifting to more of a streamlined look by choosing one or two sentimental pieces and keeping the rest in storage.
Completely skip any messy decorations, such as straw bales, gourds that could rot, tinsel, and real Christmas trees that could shed needles. Instead, focus on making sure that your home feels like the holidays without anything extra that you don't need.
2. Give Kids Trackable Chores
When the kids are home from school for the holidays, let them help to keep your home clean. Explain that this is your time to take a little break too, so they may need to help around the house a little more. Give each child additional holiday chores, such as doing their own laundry, taking care of cleaning up following a meal, or helping with the floors in your home.
Keep a chart, even if your children are older, to track who does what. When they succeed in completing a task, make sure to mark it off and offer a reward.
3. Hire Outside Help
Since kids don't always do a great job cleaning up and you might be ready for a break, hire outside help to make it easier to keep the house clean. Have professional cleaners take care of everything from cleaning windows to scrubbing baseboards, and don't hesitate to ask them to come an extra time after holiday get-togethers have passed. In addition to knowing how to take care of the job, professional cleaners can also save you significant amounts of time.
When you can keep your home clean, you may be more likely to kick back, enjoy the season, and really soak in the beauty of the holidays. Remember, don't be shy about talking with a house cleaning service about what you need and how they can help you to create a more functional home.